Women’s Gathering II: Inner Male ⇔ Inner Female

תאריך / זמן
Jun 11, 2015 - Jun 14, 201512:00
OSHO Leela Centrum / CZ
In this workshop we will explore the relationship between our inner male and female qualities. Born from our mother’s and father’s gens we all carry female and male qualities in us. Many women are not consciously in touch with these different qualities and therefor often fight, deny or feel confused by the duality. A deep understanding of our inner male side helps us to balance and integrate our female energies. It is a great step towards freedom and inner strength if we can recognize the duality of male and female as complementary within.
The work with our inner male side will naturally mirror our relationship with outer men. The outer man is a reflection of our inner male qualities and the conflicts with the outer man really mirrors the conflict of male and female energies within.
Osho points at a new dimension of freedom in the relationship between men and women: not the woman fighting against the man, but the woman & the man -together- breaking through the conditionings of the collective.
A 4 days process for women.
The seminar starts on Thursday 11 June at 12.00 noon time. Registration and accommodation at 11 a.m. the latest. Please, arrive on time, so you can get accommodated before the program starts. Estimated end of the seminar is at 2 p.m. on Sunday 14 June.
The seminar is intensive and transformational. The day starts with Osho Dynamic Meditation, which is followed by breakfast and morning program. After lunch we continue with afternoon program a part of which is a short tea/snack break. After dinner we continue with an integrative night session until about 10 – 11 p.m.
The food is vegetarian and consists of breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Caffeine free tea and coffee is available during the whole day. The price is 1050 Kč / 39 EUR.
In double rooms with showers and toilets on the corridor. The price is 960 Kč / 36 EUR
Seminar price
does not include food and accommodation
4200 Kč / 154 EUR – Early registration price (if you register and pay deposit by 8 May 2015)
4500 Kč / 165 EUR – when registering later
Cancelation conditions
If you cancel by 22 May, you get your deposit back. After this date you can transfer your deposit to a different seminar.
To register for the seminar, please fill in the form below and make a down payment of 1000Kč to the bank account 2700702918/2010 to confirm your registration. We will confirm your payment by email. Your registration will be complete only after we have received your deposit.
For more information contact Yasmin: at (+420) 608 817 998 or inner-alchemy_cz@sugandho.com.
For personal questions to Sugandho: inner-alchemy@sugandho.com.
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